Archery, the family sport – congratulations to the Last Family!
Kathleen Millar
August 24, 2024 SNAC Indoor AWARDS Celebration
We have had quite a few challenges getting all the medals and certificates for those of you who competed in tournaments and mail matches since last May (understatement!). Thank you to everyone who was able to drop by to celebrate with us.
This year, we presented house league medals, ON mail match certificates, ON indoor champ medals, and AC medals for mail matches and the Regional Indoor Championship.
We realise that some of you may be on vacation or cannot join us on that day. We will keep your awards, if any, until you can drop in.
Even if you shot tournaments as a guest, we are celebrating your participation, too.
If you were not able to be with us and you earned a medal/certificate, you can drop by our shop during normal business hours to pick up your awards.
Use these links for house league results and ON mail match results.
Millar judged at 2024 National Target and Field Championships
Kathleen Millar joined other national judges to volunteer at Archery Canada’s national field/target championships in Fredericton, NB during the first weeks of August. It had all the dreaded 4-letter words for weather conditions: heat, rain and wind, plus humidity in great supply for all 3 championships.
Competing at these championships were SNAC members Serenity Last, Connie Siedule and Garnett Last who battled challenging weather for the target nationals as the remnants of tropical storm Debbie came through north of the facility.
Great weather and great scores for 4×720 weekend 2024
Perfect weather conditions greeted archers shooting over the July 20-21 weekend.
Personal Best scores were shot on both days, for recurve, barebow and compound categories – congratulations to everyone.
Special shout-out to Kaity Horlock who earned national Gold Squad ranking on Saturday.
Use the following links for all 4 rounds:
It was a good way to end our outdoor tournaments at SNAC. Thank you to everyone who participated over the years and supported our club.
Quintin Fawcett 2024 Candle Master
Leading the pack of several successful advanced students, Quintin shot out 5 candle flames without touching the candle itself. Well done, Quintin.
Shane Bryson top in 2024 SNAS Nutrition Challenge
Congratulations to Shane Bryson, who topped all other students both adults and youth with an almost perfect score during our annual Nutrition Week Challenge.
All students in the advanced classes keep track of their food intake for one week in accordance with the Canada Food Guide, plus earn bonus points for reducing empty calories, fried food and caffeine.
Many of our students either improved or stayed the same score as in 2023 – very few did worse.
So, congratulations to all our students during National Nutrition Month and the annual SNAS Nutrition Challenge!
2024 Mail matches & House Leagues ended
SNAC had a much better post-COVID-19 turn-out for leagues this year and there were terrific scores shot both provincially and nationally. The mail match results are posted on all 3 websites: SNAC’s, Archery Ontario, and Archery Canada.
We hope to have a small celebration and awards ceremony in the late spring. More details to follow.
Note: With the end of leagues, Saturday mornings are now available for private lessons and general shooting indoors.
More about leagues and mail matches:
For those archers who want to test themselves a little more, but like the comfort of staying close to home in the winter time, house leagues and mail matches are events you should sign up for at South Nation Archery.
Starting on Saturday, January 06 and running until the end of March, from 9am until noon, you can participate in any or all of:
- house leagues
- provincial mail matches (membership required – sign up on-line)
- national mail matches (membership required – sign up on-line)
All rounds are 30 arrows, shot at 18m. We follow national rules for target face sizes and equipment divisions.
Cost per round: $10.00
2024 Regional Indoor Champ Results at SNAC
Thank you, and congratulations, to our club members who competed on Sunday, March 03 in the 2024 Regional Indoor National Championship, held regionally at SNAC.
You will find our site scores with the link below.
Note that the national recording system known as i@nseo will not recognize 21+ Hunter separately from Masters Hunter (+50). Travis Tyo shot in the 21+ age category, while Larry E. Smith and John Philpott shot as Masters. The results are correct on the Archery Canada live results site – link below.
A big congratulations go out to Serenity Last U18 Female Recurve, who blew away her PB with an outstanding 554.
SNAC’s next and last indoor tournament of the year will be MICA on Sunday, March 24.
2024 Ontario Winter Games – an archery first
South Nation Archery was represented well at the first indoor version of Ontario Games in Thunder Bay February 22-28, 2024. Usually, archery has been in the summer games, but was switched into the winter for these games.
Serenity Last won her age category for both the 600 round and elimination day. Congratulations, Serenity and keep up the good work! Kathleen Millar was Eastern Zone Coach along with Garnett Last as Eastern Zone Manager. Eastern Zone archers medalled in each division athletes were registered in.
Thank you to Archery Ontario for funding our training camp in January, and to Jess Watson in particular for all her work.