Classic Jim First-finger style Release

Classic Jim First-finger style Release

This is our favourite release for bowhunting. Some of our target archers use it as well because of the high-quality machining.

It has an adjustable wrist strap, with adjustable tension on the gate-style head.  Most importantly, the archer feels no movement in the release while pulling and aiming.  The design allows quick hook-up on the string D-loop.

We have been able to source it out from the manufacturer directly, Buck Rub Outfitters.  South Nation offers it at MSRP.

Price:  $159.00

Scott Release Buckle Strap

Scott Release Buckle Strap

South Nation Archery stocks Scott Release Buckle Straps for Classic Jim releases. This allows the archer to put the release on their hand precisely the same each time.

Price:  $33.95 each