2021 AY1-7 FULL Wednesday Classes for Advanced Youth Session #1 November-December 7pm


2021/11/17 - 2021/11/18    
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm


South Nation Archery Supply
11667 Holmes Rd., Winchester, ON, Canada, K0C 2K0

Event Type

Welcome back to all our advanced students!  We still have COVID-19 measures in place and right now, that includes the 2-meter distancing and our “germ” pools.  So, per-class numbers will be restricted.  You do not need to show proof of vaccination if you “are under age 18 and entering the indoor premises of a sports or recreational fitness facility solely for the purpose of actively participating in an organized sport”.   😊

For Session #1, we will be covering the importance of armpits-of-steel and both shoulders.  A good review for some; a good way to get back into archery training for others.

Pre-registration is compulsory.  Use e-mail:  info@southnationarchery.com or phone 613-989-2943.

Youth 17 years of age and younger Registration fee:  $70/student + HST