2022 Session #1 Advanced Wednesday night classes


2022/11/09 - 2022/11/10    
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm


South Nation Archery Supply
11667 Holmes Rd., Winchester, ON, Canada, K0C 2K0

Event Type

For the Fall 2022 indoor instructional season, we will be offering three one-hour advanced classes from November 09 to December 14 as follows:

AY1-6  Advanced Youth from 6pm-7pm

AY1-7  Advanced Youth from 7pm-8pm CANCELLED

AY1-8  Advanced Adult & Teenager from 8pm-9pm

If there are not enough youth-only students for the AY1-7 class, we may invite adults to join that class as well.

The 6-week topic this year is the importance and significance of the follow-through.  Kathleen Millar will dissect it in detail to give archers a chance to re-evaluate how they have been approaching this important part of the Ten Basic Steps to Good Shooting (basis of all good archery form).

Please contact Kathleen via e-mail to pre-register (compulsory):  info@southnationarchery.com

Class size is limited.