AY2-7 Classes – Advanced Youth Session 2 at 7pm


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm


South Nation Archery Supply
11667 Holmes Rd., Winchester, ON, Canada, K0C 2K0

Event Type

2017 Session 2 prepares advanced students for indoor competition. OAA mailmatches will be held every week along with psychological, nutritional and equipment needs for shooting tournaments properly.

Students will be encouraged to shoot the OAA 10-ring provincial championships during the week of February 19-26, 2017 to gain more competitive experience.

Dates are Wednesdays from January 11 to February 15, 2017.

Lesson #1: Speed off the string; 1/2 OAA mailmatch round

Lesson #2: Pre-aim – how, when & where; 1/2 OAA mailmatch round

Lesson #3: Bowhand follow-through and eyes; 1/2 OAA mailmatch round

Lesson #4: Bone-on-bone; hydration; 1/2 OAA mailmatch round

Lesson #5: Tip of string elbow; nutrition week; 1/2 OAA mailmatch round

Lesson #6: Distraction Night; 1/2 OAA mailmatch round