Canadian 900 Leagues 2017


2017/06/28 - 2017/06/29    
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm


South Nation Archery Supply
11667 Holmes Rd., Winchester, ON, Canada, K0C 2K0

Event Type

OUTDOOR TOURNAMENTS AND LEAGUES for recurve, compound and barebow archers

CDN 900 leagues

Join us on Wednesday evenings, and enjoy outdoor archery on a nice, bigt 122cm target face.  Regardless of age category, we offer the senior round only:  55m, 45m, 35m.  If you can’t reach all those distances, then start later and shoot the distances you feel comfortable with (except on week 6 because it is a formal tournament).

Scoring beginning at 6pm (18:00) SHARP on:

June 07, 14, 21, 28, July 05 and 12 (week 6 is a nationally-sanctioned tournament).

COST:  $8/person

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to telephone Kathy or Larry for further details.