CANCELLED: SNAC February 14, 2021 WA18M Tournament


All Day


South Nation Archery Supply
11667 Holmes Rd., Winchester, ON, Canada, K0C 2K0

Event Type

Due to the provincial government’s decision to lock down eastern Ontario February 10th, we have decided to cancel this tournament until further notice.  The current COVID-19 environment is too unstable to plan for archers to have sufficient practice time in advance of the re-scheduled date.

We will advertise sanctioned indoor events with as much advanced notice as possible.  However, this may be only one week’s notice.

All other notes before remain the same.

Tournament times are:

10am, 2pm and 6pm

Official Practice starts 1 hour before the tournament begins.

Due to Ontario government COVID-19 guidelines, the following changes and information is important for anyone who wishes to register:

  1.  Masks will be worn at all times unless on the shooting line.  When not on the shooting line, archers will be expected to keep a 2-metre distance from other “germ pools”.
  2.  Only 2 people will be on the shooting line.  There will be 2 lines.  Archers will be expected to keep their gear in specified areas only.
  3.  No spectators or parents will be allowed.
  4.  Since we will be able to accommodate only 12 people on a Sunday, preference will be given to SNAC advanced students and regular participants.  Archers may shoot only 1 round.

To pre-register or for more information, please contact Kathleen Millar by e-mail at