Our Oldest Student passes away at 94 years young

Peter Kearvell, 90-years young
Peter Kearvell, 90-years young, taking class in February 2013. Peter took up archery at the age of 89.

It is with sadness that Kathy and Larry must report that Mr. Peter Kearvell passed away on May 06, 2016.  He was a wonderful human being and loved his archery, which he found very late in life (started at age 90).  For two years, almost every week, he would travel the 45km (at 80 kph exactly) from Alexandria to Winchester, Ontario to take lessons and become strong enough to purchase his own equipment.

He moved back to his beloved Saltspring Island, BC at the feisty age of 92 where he shot his bow up to the time of his last hospitalisation.

Thank you, Peter, for sharing your life experiences and enthusiasm for life!


South Nation Archery on CTV Morning – 2015

Sarah Freemark makes a return visit to South Nation Archery Supply/Club to look at stabilization’s effect on a high-performance recurve bow.

Enjoy watching all 4 segments with Kathy and Larry. This show aired on Thursday, Nov. 18, 2015.





Dale Whittaker, long-time customer and friend

Long-time customer, Dale Whittaker
Long-time customer, Dale Whittaker
We announce with sadness that today we learned of the passing of Dale Whittaker.  He became ill last December and had made several visits to the shop to let us know how his recuperation was progressing.  Unfortunately, he succumbed peacefully at home on September 09, 2014.

Thank you, Jennifer, for letting us know that a private family gathering was held for him.   The card you left us was a great tribute to him.  We will miss him, his sense of humour, his gentle nature and kindness, and of course his famous annual Smyth’s Orchard apple cider gift at Christmas.

Dale was a long-standing, very loyal South Nation Archery Supply customer, and in years past was an active house league shooter.  He loved bows and bowhunting; he enjoyed working on the land.  He was always a bright spot in our shop.  He was only 66.

Our thoughts are with Jennifer and her family.



Perkins shoots 1421 on great day for shooting at SNAC

2011 World Target Champion, Christopher Perkins, set a blistering pace today (Saturday, July 19) during the first-half of South Nation Archery Club’s annual 4 x 720 international tournament weekend.  The weather was terrific with a slight breeze and 78 percent humidity.

In the morning, Christopher shot 710/720 at 50m, and followed it up with a 711 in the afternoon for an impressive 1421.

Congratulations to all the other archers who shot so well today, too.

Tomorrow, SNAC will finish off the weekend with two more 720 rounds (70m senior recurve / 60m cadet & masters recurve / 50m compound archers).

For more details on registered tournaments at South Nation Archery Club, please call 613-989-2943.


South Nation Archery on CTV Morning – 2014

Sarah Freemark makes a return visit to South Nation Archery Supply/Club to learn that you don’t need your eyes open in order to make a good shot and that you need to execute the shot properly in order to be accurate with a release aid.

Enjoy watching all 4 segments with Kathy and Larry. This show aired on March 31, 2014.





CTV Ottawa’s Sarah Freemark visits SNAS again in 2014

The always charming and genuine television personality, Sarah Freemark joined us again at South Nation Archery Supply and Club to follow up on her archery skills and knowledge.

She worked with Larry and Kathy to learn the finer points of shooting compound bows with release aids and recurve bows for kinaesthetic awareness and proper form.

This pre-taped session will air on CTV Ottawa’s Morning Show on March 31st. It should be fun!

Christopher Perkins shoots new 50M World Record in Woodstock, NB

With 37X, Christopher Perkins has set the world record bar very, very high indeed for compound men shooting the 720-50M round.

Christopher’s unofficial world record score of 715 out of a possible 720 was set during the Archery Canada national target/field/3D championships in Woodstock, New Brunswick, August 2-10, 2013.

Congratulations once again, Christopher!!! This record should stand for a while!