Mohamed El-Halawani shoots PB at February WA18m

Congratulations to all our participants as we welcomed 3 new archers to our tournaments.  Welcome back to Crystal Foster who has been unable to shoot tournaments for over a year.

Special shout-out to Mohamed El-Halawani (SR M Rec) who shot a PB 552 on the round today.

For all the results from our site, please use this link or go to the Archery Canada i@nseo results page:


Our next tournament is OAA Championship Week:  February 18-24.  Classes are suspended during this time.  There are only a few spots available on Wednesday night.  If you wish to participate, please contact Kathy or Larry ASAP.

2018 OFSSA Archery Tournament Participants Highly Successful

OFSSA archers travelling from eastern Ontario with Kathleen Millar shot this annual tournament, which has been running for over 30 years. Kathleen has trained local high-school aged archers during these years to take advantage of this unique opportunity; Ontario is the only province running a high school archery championship. 

The archers were very successful!  CONGRATULATIONS!

Representing NDDHS:

Bradley Larmour, men compound fingers – GOLD MEDAL

Payton Halpenny, women recurve – SILVER MEDAL

James Drynan, standard division – Well Done!

Matt Irven, Jared Wicks, Taylor Bazinet and Jason Larmour, compound men’s team – BRONZE MEDAL


Representing Char-lan HS:

Hannah Rousseau, women compound – GOLD MEDAL


Representing Madawaska HS:

Ryan Luckovitch, men compound – SILVER MEDAL

Thanks to our volunteer parent drivers: Kris Rousseau, Shannon Halpenny and Bruce Larmour to assist Kathy with the transport this year.

Alexandra Paquette Silver Medallist at the Youth World Championships

On October 5th in Rosario, Argentina at the Youth World Championships, Alexandra Paquette won all her passes and shot against an archer from Great Britain for the gold medal on Saturday, October 7th.  We watched the it live on  The wind was a bit tricky standing up on that bridge.  Alexandra shot well and earned the silver medal.

From all your friends at South Nation Archery Supply / club – You go, girl!!!!


Paquette sets FIVE national records at SNAC’s annual CDN 900 event

What a spectacular way to finish 900 Leagues this year! Alexandra Paquette set FIVE national records on Wednesday, July 06 at our annual nationally-sanctioned tournament. Felicitations, Alexandra!!!!! She was one point off tying the national senior record, broke 2 junior compound women’s records and 3 cadet compound women’s records! Nice going, Alex!
Congratulations to everyone else who shot last night; we had a couple of PBs and PWs (such is archery). This ends our 2016 league nights.
Thank you to everyone who participated and a special shout-out to those who shot every week: Bill Mackey, Crystal Foster and Connie Siedule.
For full results, please use the following link:

Perkins shoots 1421 on great day for shooting at SNAC

2011 World Target Champion, Christopher Perkins, set a blistering pace today (Saturday, July 19) during the first-half of South Nation Archery Club’s annual 4 x 720 international tournament weekend.  The weather was terrific with a slight breeze and 78 percent humidity.

In the morning, Christopher shot 710/720 at 50m, and followed it up with a 711 in the afternoon for an impressive 1421.

Congratulations to all the other archers who shot so well today, too.

Tomorrow, SNAC will finish off the weekend with two more 720 rounds (70m senior recurve / 60m cadet & masters recurve / 50m compound archers).

For more details on registered tournaments at South Nation Archery Club, please call 613-989-2943.